beatrice howell

THE journal

Welcome to my little corner. Where stories are told, photos are shared as well as the occasional musing.

The journal Playlist

In The Mood For...






An Internationally Published Photographer, who creates visual art for sophisticated couples and their indelible moments. 

I'm here to serve you and create timeless and emotive photographs of meaningful moments to express the art of your story tangibly. Emotive imagery that's genuine, refined and infinitely soulful. 

My Style is one that evolves with each couple, refusing to be labeled.  Every human, every moment, every love story are all uniquely individual.  I create from my heart, whether it's moody-or-light, documentary-or-editorial, in color or black/white. It's really all ABOUT YOU, and that sentiment is exactly what I allow to guide me. 

my style


Bold colors, amazing installations, beautiful love stories ranging from classic to modern in style. These select galleries are viewer favorites.
